Friday, December 21, 2012

Attention to Detail

I have heard it said “it’s the little things that count”. This holds true in all aspects of life and also holds a lot of weight in the fire service as well and should with every member of your organization.

Attention to detail is defined as accomplishing a task through complete concern for all areas no matter how small. It shows 1) you have pride in yourself and 2) pride in your job. It should show in everything you do from your appearance to your apparatus to your station. It matters, and believe me it gets noticed.

I am a stickler when it comes to appearance. Not in a vain kind of way but in looking professional. My biggest pet peeve is boots being shined. It doesn’t take but just a minute to slap a coat of polish on your boots. It may not seem like a big deal to you but to your officer in charge, chief, or even the public it is. It shows that you care about your public perception and the job you represent.

I have also been accused of being anal when it comes to apparatus cleaning. I know some that do the bare minimum when it comes to cleaning the rigs. Just spray it with water and back it back in and call it good. Some that give it the white line special (wash from the white line down) because that’s the only part that is seen up close. I believe in washing the whole thing and drying it because I hate water spots and then finishing it off with tire shine. Yes, I am all about the tire shine. It looks better and stands out, shows you care.

Do you make sure the engine room is swept, mopped, everything in its place? Do you knock off the sheetrock debris from the tools from the last fire, and wipe the tools down?

I know it seems like it doesn’t matter but the attention to the little things pays off. Some may call it OCD or petty but to those that matter your attention to detail shows caring and pride in what you have and what you do. It gets noticed, trust me.

Until next time,

Stay safe

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Old Habits Die Hard

It truly amazes me that with all of the fire service websites at ones finger tips and all the magazines laying around with great training on new tactics and work smarter not harder methods, we still resort back to the same old tactics we always have. No one wants to venture outside their comfort zone.

Seems like every run you here the same thing come across the radio “...upon arrival pull and 1 ¾’’ attack line” Sure that’s our bread and butter but it’s not an umbrella for all situations. Think outside the box. Here’s an example: you arrive on scene of a single story, ranch style, residential dwelling with nothing visible. The homeowner meets you and says the fire is in the stove. You go to work, pull the attack line off the pumper, tromp through the hose dragging hose, knock over grandmas china cabinet, see the fire in the oven, open the oven door and flood the kitchen with water and the fire goes out. You get a big hug from grandma for not letting her house burn down and causing minimal damage, the neighbors all wave and say thank you as you pack up and drive away. Just another day at the office, right?  Now take that same scenario, you pull up nothing visible, homeowners says the fire is in the stove. Instead of coming out guns blazin’ you think. Walk into the kitchen find a small fire contained in the oven. You use “the can” (Read Water in the Can by Ryan Pennington) and about a gallon of water to put the fire out. Only minor damage to the stove, no broken china, no dragging hose through the house. You still get a big hug from grandma because you saved the house, the neighbors may or may not have even realized you were there, and you head back to the station. Just another day at the office. Both examples will accomplish the same goal but the later just makes more sense. This is just one example there are more.

So the question is why do we always pull the attack line? Easy, because it’s habit! We start off our careers learning how to deploy it, how to load it, and that it’s out life line. I am not arguing that at all but sometimes it’s just not the best choice.

Another reason we always want to pull the attack line is because that’s all we train on. We read the new articles, talk about them and that’s as far as it gets. No hands on, getting out and trying anything new to see if it works. Are we afraid to try? Maybe, or are we just set in our ways and stick to what has worked for years and comes natural?

It is easy to fall into a routine, do what comes natural, but if you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always got. Instead of reading and talking about something, get out try it, break old habits, and develop new tactics. Grandma and her china will be happy you did.

Until next time,

Stay Safe

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Whose Job Is It?

Feels like it has been forever since I have had a chance to sit down and even think about writing anything. Between Thanksgiving, my work week, working extra at the Tennessee High School Football championships, teaching CPR at the high school, and spending time with family, to say I have been busy is an understatement.

Being as busy as I have has also given me time to think about stuff as well. As a captain with my department, I have certain duties that I have to do. Making sure my 5 assigned stations are clean, equipment is in a state of readiness, apparatus are clean and nothing broken. On top being captain, I am also Public Education and Information Officer for the department. Needless to say sometimes things get missed or put on the back burner simply because there are not enough hours in the day. I don’t want it to seem like I’m trying to make excuses but its reality. I am one person and as much as I want to do it all it just doesn’t happen like I plan.

If I miss checking something, miss a P.R. event, or something is found wrong on a scene when needed it’s on me. What really baffles me is that if the question is asked about why something didn’t get done or what’s wrong with something, the answer is “it’s not my job”.

I realize that if I slack off, it’s my fault. I’m human, things happen. Instead of saying it’s not my job, step up and do it. Not to make you look good or me look bad, but because it needs to be done. It don’t matter who’s job it is , if it gets done and we don’t look like a bunch of jack wagons on scene that because someone didn’t do their job, it’s all good. Finger pointing and the blame game can be discussed back at the house and a solution can be found. I have done my fair share of picking up slack. I know everyone else has as much going on as I do and things fall through the cracks unintentionally. I am not above picking up a broom or taking out the trash if an engineer or firefighter missed it.  It needs to be done, so does it.

So whose job is it? The answer:  it doesn’t matter! It needs done. We all need help from time to time. From the chief to the new guy, get in there and get it done not for self but for the good of the department. We all look good together, we all look bad together, we are a team and like the old saying goes there is no “I” in team. We could all do better at stepping up and getting it done making it our job so that we all look good.

Until next time,

Stay Safe

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Be Thankful

It’s been a busy week seems like. The off week seems to go faster and faster. Responding to calls, paperwork, honey-do-list, and family gatherings have sure made the time fly by. Now Thanksgiving is tomorrow and the beginning of my work week and the beginning of what I’m sure is going to be a hectic month both work and home.

Seeing how tomorrow is Thanksgiving, take time and actually be thankful. We spend so much time in the fire service complaining about things we don’t have or the things we want, we fail to see what is right in front of us. Sure it would be great to have all the latest and greatest toys or a bay full of new apparatus, but the fact is we don’t, but what we do have is ours and we need to be thankful for it. I know of departments that have half of what we have twice as old but it’s theirs and seeing what they started from they are thankful to have it.

I am thankful to be a part of the greatest profession on Earth. Chiefs that make sure we have what we need to get the job done and throw in some toys now and again to keep us happy. I am thankful for the ability, as PEIO, to educate the public in fire safety and keep them safe and as an instructor be able to provide lifesaving skills to members of my department. Thankful for my beautiful wife and daughter for understanding me running out the door, missing meals, and family time, my parents for bringing me up right making me the man I am today, and my brothers for all the memories throughout the years and knowing they are always there. I could go on and on all day about all the things that I am thankful for in my life. I have truly been blessed.

Take the time today, tomorrow, this week, to look around you and be thankful, both on the job and at home. When you take the time to see what you actually have and thankful to have it, you tend to appreciate it more and more.

Lastly, as you give thanks, remember the men and women fighting for our freedom so that we may do what we do. Remember those affected by Hurricane Sandy and all they have endured and the long road ahead of them.  Remember those that have gone before you and made the ultimate sacrifice and the families and departments they leave behind.

We hope that everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving holiday, from our families to yours.

“The Hooligans”

Captain Josh Womack and FF Zach Womack

Stay Safe

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Build on the Basics Part II

Hey everybody, I hope all is well with you all. I just want to take a minute to kinda reinforce what the Captain has said in his part and give you my own 2 cents on the matter. 

Like he said, you hear folks say we need to " get back to the basics." I have been guilty of saying this myself to be honest, but I think I meant it different than it sounds. I do disagree that we need to go backwards but, somewhere along the way we have tried to get so technical and so advanced we have lost sight of something. We need to reevaluate how we are approaching things and ensure we start with the basics. 

We all don't work for Detroit, Boston, FDNY, DCFD, L.A,, or anywhere that you are pretty much going to get a box alarm or 2 or 3 per shift. Some of us go for days, weeks, months without seeing fire. The most fire I have seen lately was a small camp fire set by a homeless man lol. That is why we must train and become competent in our skills because we aren't going to get there through experience with our number of fires decreasing. We need to master our skills and what better and easier ones to master first than the basics. 

When I went through basic I was taught fire behavior, fire hose and streams, ladders, basic ventilation, ropes/knots, extinguishers, basic forcible entry, search and rescue, some on building construction and a few more things, those are just a few; that was 9 years ago. Now days it is all advanced this and that, RIT, Safety/Survival, ICS for everything under the sun, and whatever else you can think of. You know how long its been since I trained on throwing ladders, catching a plug, forcing entry, or knot tying( Lord knows I need help with this one lol). 

I have an idea how we can incorporate our basics into our advanced training. Any time you are going to train start with the basics, make sure everybody is comfortable and confident then move on into the advanced portions. This will reinforce everybody's basic skills and make them more competent.

When you are sitting around the station shooting the bull about nothing, do some basic training instead. Small group sessions are better sometimes anyway. Pull your ladders off the rig, try different ladder carries, throw some ladders, practice tying them off. Pull and advance some attack lines, load and deploy different hose loads and become proficient in what works best for you. Practice catching a plug or setting up for drafting ops(depends on location). Or, if you still want to shoot the bull then do something as simple as tying some knots. 

Here is one that chaps me... hose size and nozzle selection. Know what you are going to pull on what fires and why. I know people who say we should pull 2.5 inch lines for this, and we need to use smooth bore nozzles instead of fog nozzles. The problem with this is that they can't tell you why. They seen somebody on youtube or another site do it, thought it looked cool and now they think we should do it. If they would train on it, research it, and understand why or why not it would be ok. This is important stuff they should know. 

Know how buildings will react to fire due to construction materials and design. Know how to read smoke and how to approach what you see. Understand the importance of coordinating your search, ventilation, and other operations with the attack team. These are all basic skills, train and become competent in them. 

Remember these quotes: Let no mans ghost return to say his training failed him. And, train like your life depends on it...because it does. 

Most of all, at the end of the day, EVERYBODY GOES HOME!!!

Be safe brothers! 

Saturday, November 10, 2012


I may be sticking my neck out here and alone in my thinking, but this is how I see it. I have heard it said, a few times recently, that we need to get back to the basics when it comes to training. I have thought a lot about this and have to say.... I disagree. Why go back to something that never should have been left to begin with? The basics are the foundation on which everything else stands. They don’t change.

Look at it this way, it’s like baseball. You were taught the fundamentals, the basics, at age 5, how to throw a ball, swing a bat, and catch a pop fly. As the years went by your throws become more accurate, your swing modified, and you can catch a fly ball without fear of getting hit in the face. You had to build on the basics to throw 100 mph fastballs, hit homeruns, and snag fly balls.

The same applies to firefighting. We all learn the basics at the very beginning and build upon them as we go, adding another block on top of the foundation. It’s like taking an advanced ventilation class without ever having basic ventilation. You are going to be as lost as last year’s Easter egg because you don’t understand the principles of ventilation and the little things that the basic class teaches. Thus the reason it’s called advanced, it builds on a foundation that is already there.

My point is why would you want to go backwards? The basics have not changed. Build on what’s already in place. If your foundation is strong the rest will stand with no problem. Never stop building.
Stay Safe

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

There's No App For This

                Technology is all around us and changing rapidly every day. We have a vast world of knowledge at our finger tips on just about any subject you can imagine. IPhones,IPads, and Android devices all have “apps for that” no matter what it is you want.
                The fire service is no different. You can find a variety of apps for firefighting, from friction loss calculators and shift calendars, to ERG books and event time loggers. You can even get your pre-plans and reporting software on your phone or tablet device. All of these things make certain aspects of our job more convenient, but when it comes to good old fashion, boots on the ground firefighting, there is no app!
                There is no way to replace or reproduce what is taught on the training ground or fire scene. There’s no app that can take the place of the guy that has been on the department for 25-30 years and all the knowledge he offers to share while sitting around the kitchen table or while training.
                Our job requires quick thinking, adapting to changing situations, and working in some of the worst conditions imaginable. These are things that can only be learned by watching and listening to those that have been there and done that, and by actually getting in there and doing it yourself. A good instructor teaching a pump ops class is worth a thousand times more than a .99 cent friction loss app.
                I guess what it really boils down to is that no matter how many devices are out there, or new technologies come our way, there are some things that are better to be done the old fashion way, by putting the phone or tablet down, getting up and doing work. Listen to those that take to time to offer wisdom; they usually know what they are talking about. There is nothing wrong with using technology to help you, and lord knows I need all the help I can get, but there is nothing out there that can help you do what you do. Firefighting is still a hands on, grab it and growl job, so get out and get after it.
Stay Safe!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Traditions and Pride

Traditions in the fire service run deep. Many of them go back to when fire departments first began, A lot of them still around today. Traditions such wooden ladders, color of the rigs, helmet style and color, the Dalmatian, and so on. Just like the ones that have stayed, many have gone away, mainly for safety reasons, but should be remembered.  Riding on the tailboard, rubber hip boots, beards, no SCBA, house sirens, and beacon rays, just to name a few.

                My point is, you have to know where you have been to understand where you are at. I have heard the phrase a thousand times “because that’s the way we have always done it.” I hate that answer! Tell me why it has always been done that way. Is it a tradition that was started by the first chief or captain? Is it to honor a past member of the department? Is it simply because everyone was just complacent and didn’t question it? Like I said, tell me why so I can embrace and continue to follow the tradition or look into a new,faster,safer  way to do it. It could result in a new tradition followed for years to come in your department.

                My next point usually goes hand and hand with traditions, and that is pride. Pride is one of those things that can often be taken the wrong way. I have heard it said “that department is cocky.”  I don’t see it like that. If you are proud of your department, the way you perform on the fire ground, and proud of the community that you serve, and that makes you hold your head up a little higher and stick your chest out a little farther, then let them call you cocky. Haters are going to hate.

                A question was asked by my Deputy Chief to a class of new recruits, “what is the best fire department in the United States?” The answers were what I personally expected, FDNY, Chicago Fire, Boston, DCFD, LAFD, etc.  His reply was, “all of those departments are great, some of the finest firefighters I have ever seen, but the best fire department is this one, because its my fire department.” WOW! I had never really thought of it like that before, but he was right. His point was, have enough pride, no matter how big or small your department that you give 110% on every call and provide the best service you can to the people in which you serve.

                Taking Pride in your station(s), pride in your rigs, pride in your rank, pride in your helmet and the battle scars it has, pride in your brothers and sisters and what they do, and your department will be the best in the United States .

Always remember, to be too proud is sinful. Be humble, but be proud. Remember where you came from and the traditions that made your department what it is today. Honor those that have gone before you and how proud they were to be firefighters.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Have You Lost Your Fire?

               How many out there have been at a place in their fire service career, where you just want to leave your gear laying there and walk out the door?  You could care less if you trained, check off the rig, or if the tones even went off? Just plain and simple lost your drive, your “fire”! Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about the job itself, I’m talking about your give a damn is busted.

                I have been there myself. I still love firefighting, but at times all the other B.S. gets  to thick, causing me to want to just walk away. Of course my passion for it would let do that no matter how much smack I talk. Everyone has those things that just piss them off or sick of hearing about, whether it’s the politics at the chief level, officer riding you about this or that, lack of structure, or the infamous “firefighter bitch and moan” club, and for some it’s just life in general, too many things on your plate all at once.

                Life’s problems can get you down quick. A new baby at home and all the worries that come with it, money trouble, marital problems, sick family members, death of a loved one, there are so many things that can get your mind occupied a cause you to be off your game, you know lose that “fire”.

                So how do you get it back? How do you get back that drive, motivation, that burning in your soul you that you had when you first started your firefighting career? To be 100% honest, I don’t have a clue! I know it’s probably not the answer you thought I was going to give, but stay with me, I have a point.

                Everyone is different in the way they work through stuff. First, get it set in your mind that you are going to get that “fire” back one way or another. Once that is done the rest should come easy. Second, think back to the point where you noticed a change in your mindset. What was it that brought you to the point your give a damn’s busted so to speak? It could have been something that the chief said that rubbed you the wrong way, a disagreement with and officer over a training or particular incident, or with other members of the department over one thing or another. Think back to that time and then, fix it. Try talking with the chief about what he did, or the officer, or department members you argued with and try to find common ground on the situation. Try having a shift or station meeting to throw all the cards on the table. You never know, you might not be the only that has lost their motivation.

                If it’s life problem that has got you down and too much on your plate, well those are a little more difficult sometimes.  Like I stated before everyone deals with things their own way in their own time, for some, it’s prayer, talking to a spouse or friend, or talking with the brothers and sisters at the firehouse. I am blessed in the fact my wife is a firefighter as well. If something has got me a little torqued, I can talk to her about it and she understands where I’m coming from. Sometimes just talking about it with someone is all it takes. Other times a vacation is what you need. A few days away from work, no phone, no pager, no computer, just get out of town, a change of scenery to clear your mind, and reevaluate things.  Sometimes the only logical thing to do is realize its life, and there’s nothing you can do about it but sit back and enjoy the ride. Whatever the case maybe get it out in the open and deal with, or it will eat away at you.

                As I said in the beginning, I have been there and I know that others have too. Getting your desire, motivation, and your “fire” back for the job is like starting all over again. It may even motivate others to get a second wind so to speak and step their game up to train better, exercise more, or just be a better firefighter in general. Let’s all strive to keep the fire burning.



Sunday, October 14, 2012


Be appreciative… this is something I have always been taught. All of us have been taught this in life. The Bible even speaks of it, don’t covet, don’t envy, etc. It seems like all we do though is NOT appreciate what we have or know. I am guilty of this myself. It seems like all the time somebody is saying something about how; I wish we had this or that, or the chief could have bought us something better. Those are just a couple of examples but I could list so many more. To beat it all too most of the complaining comes from the younger people who barely have any experience on the department but think they are 20 year veterans. You know the 2/20 firemen, 2 years on 20 years experience and still don’t know crap. That’s another story though.  Anyway I need to get to the point.

For the past 7 years the area fire chief’s council has put on a training weekend and firefighters from all over the state come to participate. These guys and gals are from volunteer, career, and/or combination departments. It’s open to all. There are firefighters there that come from departments with the biggest budgets, newest nicest equipment, all the bells and whistles, what we all dream of. Then, there are the folks that come from departments that you wonder how they are even what they are. Of coarse there is the in between people too. The average jakes I guess.

As I sat in class this weekend and looked around me, listened to others talking, and processed what they were saying I realized just how lucky myself, my brother firefighters, and the departments I serve really are. We are blessed and fortunate to have the leaders, equipment, training, and support that we do have. We could be so much worse off. Until you realize how little some people have you don’t appreciate what you do have as much. Some of the stuff I was hearing blew my mind and I couldn't process how they got away with some of the things they were talking about, mind boggling to say the least.

During our scenario’s we had to do we were broken up into groups and got the opportunity to work with some of these firefighters from the less fortunate departments I am talking about. As we got deeper and deeper into these scenario’s I realized these guys really did have some good ideas. I think there is actually a lot of that out there. Maybe they just don’t have the support they need or someone that will listen to them. I also found an opportunity to pass on what little knowledge I have that they might be able to take back home or put in their toolbox and use later on.  These guys are out here trying to accomplish the same thing as the rest of us and share the same common goal of trying to protect and save lives and property. They know how to appreciate what they have and make the best of it.

So my question is, no matter what you have or don’t have, know or don’t know, why is it so hard to appreciate it? I don’t have the answer, I wish I did. I can promise you this though… from now on my goal is to appreciate things more. I know it could always be worse. Around here we are blessed and most don’t even realize it. If you have the answer or have any ideas please pass them on to me. Also, if you get the chance, take the time to say THANK YOU to those that make it possible to have what you do have.

As always, BE SAFE!!!!!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fire Prevention Year

                Fire Prevention Week is upon us once again. Every year, the week of October 9th, fire departments across the nation will be participating in fire prevention week activities.

                Fire Prevention Week started in 1922 to commemorate The Great Chicago Fire of 1871. The Conflagration killed more than 250 people, left 100,000 homeless, destroyed over 17,000 structures burning more than 2000 acres. Fire Prevention Week is the longest running public health and safety observance on record. The President has made a proclamation of the observance every year since 1925.

                Each year NFPA sets the theme or campaign for week in an area of fire safety. This year’s theme is Have 2 way out. Themes in past years have been: Protect your family from fire, Smoke Alarms: A sound you can live with, When fire strikes: Get out, stay out, and the list goes on. You can see the area of focus each year.

                So, knowing when Fire Prevention Week is, why it started, and what its goal is, hear is my question to you. Why focus on fire prevention for just 1 week out of the year? For some departments that one week is the only time they think about fire prevention and getting out in the community and talking about fire safety.  Don’t get me wrong, a lot of great information is given out in that 1 week and could save a life in the event of a fire, but don’t the citizens of your community deserve to have lifesaving information presented to them 52 weeks a year?

                Fires don’t just happen 1 week out of the year and take a 51 week vacation and neither should your fire prevention efforts. It should be our goal as firefighters to educate the public every chance we get.

                I’m not saying that every week or every month you need some big elaborate event or theme, but get creative. Go by your child’s school with a pumper, swing  by little league practice and talk to the kids afterwards, while out pre-planning or while doing tactical survey, stop by the senior center and talk or answer questions, or have a station open house for the public to come to you. There are so many opportunities out there to get lifesaving information to the citizens you serve. I know that public education is the first thing to get cut when budget time rolls around, but most of these will make the Brass happy because they don’t cost anything but a little time and want to.

                So here is my challenge to you. Those other 51weeks during the year make those Fire Prevention Weeks too! You never know, that mom and dad, or child you talk to in March, could be a fire survivor in July, instead of a fire fatality all because you took the time to talk to them about fire safety. You don’t have to wait until January 1st, start now! Let’s make every week Fire Prevention Week. Are you up to the challenge?




Saturday, October 6, 2012

Safe Industries Visit

Hey everybody! We had a good visit at Safe Industries this week in Lavergne, TN. They really have a nice place down there. New shipments are coming in every day, they are planning on filling up the warehouse with anything you may need. They have a really nice show room and almost everything 5.11 tactical makes. Other brands available are Globe, MSA, Cairns, LightningX, Streamlight, and much much more. If you are down that way please go check them out. I know Jeff will be up at the Upper Cumberland Training Weekend next weekend so you can come see him there also. Hope everybody has had a good weekend so far, everybody be safe!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Grand Opening!

If you plan on being in the Lavergne/Murfreesboro area this weekend or have some spare time to take a road trip go check them out. I heard they have some AWESOME door prizes, just sayin...

Y'all be safe!

Ladder Failure...

So I was reading this report today from NIOSH about ladder failure on a 1975 American LaFrance 100ft stick. As I was reading I seen something that caught my eye. Now, I don't want to put anybody down here but here is what the article states...

" When he reached the fly section the tip bounced then twisted to the left. He continued climbing and as he reached the tip, the ladder continued twisting to the left and the three sections beyond the bed ladder section began to slowly collapse. The collapse accelerated and the ladder struck the ground with the captain clinging to it."

I am no genius, but, I like to think I have enough sense about me to know when to say "something ain't right here." When the tip twisted before he ever even made it there he should have stopped and backed down. I don't know how much it twisted at first but I know you can feel those things bounce, sway, etc. It was just a few weeks ago when I was at the top of one. 

I am glad to see that the captain had non life threatening injuries and is ok, these are injuries that could have been prevented though. Hopefully lessons have been learned. 

Like I said before, not wanting to put anybody down or Monday morning quarterback, that just caught my eye and I couldn't pass it up.

Full article can be seen here:

Everybody be safe this evening!!!!!


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What's to come....

Josh and I talked today, we have several things in mind we would like to talk about on here pretty soon. A few things are, Tradition and Pride in the Fire Service, Firefighter Rehab, What's in your pockets?. Any ideas anyone may have of something you would like to see send us a message to

Be Safe!

About Us

Firefighter/Paramedic Zachary Womack
I am Zachary Womack. I am a Firefighter/Paramedic in Tennessee. I have been in the fire department since 2000 when I started as an explorer.

I received my basic fire training through the Tennessee Fire and Codes Academy. I have obtained accredited certifications through the Tennessee Commission on Firefighting in Hazmat Awareness, Hazmat Operations, Firefighter I, Firefighter II, Fire Apparatus Operator, and Fire Department Instructor I. I received my EMT and Paramedic training at Tennessee Tech University. 

At home life is simple for me. I have a wonderful loving wife, Andrea, which has been with me and supported me since 2005. I also have a beautiful little girl, Clara. 

Anyway, that’s me, I love my life, love my job, God has really blessed me and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.


Captain Josh Womack
My name is Josh Womack. I am a 911 Dispatcher and a Captain with a Fire Department serving as the Public Education/Information Officer.

I started with the fire department October 1st, 2000. I began helping with public education not long after that. I spent a brief period as Engineer until April 2005, when I made Captain. In 2009 I started working part time in the 911 Center, and took a full time position in June 2011.

My basic firefighting training was done through the Tennessee Fire Service and Codes Enforcement Academy. I also have accredited certifications from the Tennessee Commission on Firefighting. I hold certifications in Firefighter I, Firefighter II, Hazmat Awareness, Hazmat Operations, and Fire Instructor I, as well as many certifications from the Tennessee Fire Academy. I am currently working toward my State level Fire and Life Safety Officer certification.

I am a member of the Tennessee Public Fire Educators Association, and serve on many local committees pertaining to fire education and public information. I am a CPR instructor, and Child Passenger Safety Tech.

I am a 2nd generation firefighter. My dad, Bruce, is currently a Lieutenant/PIO with with Cookeville Fire-Rescue Department. He has 30+ years in the fire and EMS profession. He is the reason I do what I do. What can I say, its in the blood.

When im not at work, im with my family. My wife Shan, and daughter Addie. My wife is also a firefighter for the Murfreesboro Fire-Rescue Department. I try to spend as much time with my brothers, Zach and Tory (sheriff's deputy) as I can. With all 3 of us in the public service field, we are very close and understand what each other is going through when a call goes out.

Thats me in a nutshell. I love being a firefighter and love helping people, whether its from a dispatch console or a fire scene. I have an amazing job and family and I would not change a thing.


Monday, October 1, 2012


Welcome to Hooligans and Halligans firefighter blog, we are just getting started so bare with us and hopefully we will be up and running soon! Be safe brothers!