It’s been a busy week seems like. The off week seems to go
faster and faster. Responding to calls, paperwork, honey-do-list, and family
gatherings have sure made the time fly by. Now Thanksgiving is tomorrow and the
beginning of my work week and the beginning of what I’m sure is going to be a
hectic month both work and home.
Seeing how tomorrow is Thanksgiving, take time and actually
be thankful. We spend so much time in the fire service complaining about things
we don’t have or the things we want, we fail to see what is right in front of
us. Sure it would be great to have all the latest and greatest toys or a bay
full of new apparatus, but the fact is we don’t, but what we do have is ours
and we need to be thankful for it. I know of departments that have half of what
we have twice as old but it’s theirs and seeing what they started from they are
thankful to have it.
I am thankful to be a part of the greatest profession on
Earth. Chiefs that make sure we have what we need to get the job done and throw
in some toys now and again to keep us happy. I am thankful for the ability, as
PEIO, to educate the public in fire safety and keep them safe and as an
instructor be able to provide lifesaving skills to members of my department. Thankful
for my beautiful wife and daughter for understanding me running out the door,
missing meals, and family time, my parents for bringing me up right making me
the man I am today, and my brothers for all the memories throughout the years
and knowing they are always there. I could go on and on all day about all the
things that I am thankful for in my life. I have truly been blessed.
Take the time today, tomorrow, this week, to look around you
and be thankful, both on the job and at home. When you take the time to see
what you actually have and thankful to have it, you tend to appreciate it more
and more.
Lastly, as you give thanks, remember the men and women
fighting for our freedom so that we may do what we do. Remember those affected
by Hurricane Sandy and all they have endured and the long road ahead of
them. Remember those that have gone
before you and made the ultimate sacrifice and the families and departments
they leave behind.
We hope that everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving
holiday, from our families to yours.
“The Hooligans”
Captain Josh Womack and FF Zach Womack
Stay Safe